

Email Hosting

Email Hosting

Business-Class Email

Enjoy reliable, personalised email hosting with the highest levels of security, backed by 24×7 support.

Fully Featured

Create email boxes, add autoresponders, forwarders and mail rules, all through your control panel.

Webmail Access

Access your email from almost any device using webmail.

Email on the Go

Use your phone, tablet or laptop’s inbuilt email client or access your email using our webmail client. The choice is yours.

Spam Protection

Enterprise-class spam protection from SpamExperts is included with every plan.

Virus Protection

Every email is automatically scanned for viruses, helping to keep your business malware and virus free.

Respecting Your PrivacyAdvert free email

If you use third-party email services, then you maybe allowing them to use the content of your emails for profiling. This data, in some cases, is shared with advertisers.

At Isp host, the content of your email is your own and is considered private. We scan content only for the purposes of preventing spam and the detection of viruses and malware. The content of an email is never stored separately from the email itself and we never profile our users or sell on their data.